Wednesday, September 19, 2012

EOC Week 11: Evaluation

Based on the class I think I have be taught about more about advertising. Just because I thought it was just putting a photo and some words together and coming up with a catchy slogan. I see now that there is a thought process behind it all. You have to start from ground zero. This class helps me go from zero to level three or four. I think I did well overall in the class just because a lot of the things came natural to me and built on to the crazy imagation that I already have. I thought I picked up the information fast just because of how it was taught and it was done in the way that help me grasp it . I think watching things like Mad Men showed me the difference between good and bad advertisements.  Just because I can cater to a different demographic rather then just one type.  I think with all the work that I did shows in my grade. I made sure I put forth a lot of effort in everything that I did. Because I like looking at ads so I wanted to make sure that the ads and what I was writing about made a lot of sense. Just based on how I graded shows the effort I put into my work. I do know that also having a teacher willing to help was really good as well. Me coming to class come into the fact of my learning. At first I thought that it was just another class that I did not have to do much in but I enjoyed myself in the class, which is also why I put in a lot of work in the class.

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

EOC Week 10: Getting Free Promotion On The Evening News

I figure it is simple to get your name out their during the evening news. It’s simple because of the fact that you can stir the pot, of everything going on. I think its also simple because you can create buzz about everything going on. You can start by having it go in the morning by then creating so much buzz that people take notice to it. I would want people to have a notice in something I did by making a big statement. Just because that’s what you have to do these days. You have to pull of a big stunt to make evening news as well.
To me if you are making the evening news you had to pull off something. Just like the will kill for jobs advertisement, that was in North Las Vegas. I think that doing thing like that is what makes me want to do have things I do make the evening news when I hit it big time. I would also think to do things that shock people. Because if you do make the evening news then you are something special. I feel as if that doing things like that will also have you make headlines in the future.
With that being sad making the evening news to me is something people should be proud of. Just so that everyone sees that you are someone you are doing something that is worthy to be talked about. I don’t think people aim to sometime hit the evening news but when they do they are more in shock then anything because t hen they are talked about for days to come after that. Which I would assume they are proud of. Those are my feelings toward people myself and the evening news.

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Week 9 EOC: Those Who Think Young

A lot of young people my age I feel take advertisement two ways really personal or really joking. I think they don’t know the difference between the two. I feel it just depends on the maturity level on the person and the advertisement. Just because something seems really funny does not mean it always is as funny. For the people who take advertisements to serious I feel are to radical. They over react about the same ads that don’t need any attention at all, but they don’t react to the ones that need attention is pretty much flabbergasting. I feel that young people are so quick to judge things based off how they are advertised it makes them not think for themselves. Which is the part of the reason lot of youth think so damn materialistic. If we really paid a lot of attention to the advertisements it would encourage us to think more for ourselves then having someone think for us.

On the other hand when we create I think it catches a lot of attention mainly because we can relate to the fact that someone our age made the ad. I feel like the way we create advertisements we have a bold approach to it. Then we often responded to it in a more passionate way. Most of the advertisements that tend to come out from the youth I feel are more powerful then maybe some in the older days because they are using the different methods to get it out not just the old forms.  The only down side is that we are good at manipulating what people say to get our point across so that people pay attention which hurts us in the long run.  Now looking at it I think it also creates a lot of different perceptions of how people think of us through our advertisements. Which in the end gets us noticed good or bad.

Analysis of Project in the Real World

I think in the real world that this project would do really good if they are willing to change up there demographics. Just because of the simple fact that more younger people who are trying to lose weight are hitting the gym more. If they added in some more social networking that would be perfect for them.” People go online for a reason, whether practical, social, or for diversion. When a brand or group hampers someone's pursuit, it is not good for anyone.” ( Advertising in Design Page 243) Just some people just by seeing things online might want to try that product. I think the apporch that I made towards this works perfectly in the fact that I know what a lot of people like me are doing and that’s loosing weight or staying healthy. That said, effective advertising is based on strategies of persuasion, whether a commercial ad uses social acceptance to persuade someone to purchase a brand name mouthwash or a public service advertising (PSA) campaign uses humor to encourage people to get tested for colon cancer.” ( Advertising in Design Page 108) With that said you want to find the small humor in it by maybe not calling people over weight but showing them the better things to come if they by a slim fast, eat maybe a salad instead of a burger and hit the gym.  Then when you look at the big idea behind the fact that we are trying to give people the tools by showing them and putting it fin there face I think would help a lot with how they view the brand. We want to stand firm on the idea of what we would really want to be doing,  A big idea is a solid, creative, on-brand idea that is large enough and flexible enough to be used effectively across media for a period of time.” (Advertising in Design Page 68). Then that we can expand this advertisment out to then doing commercials and seeing how far those go. Because we want to cater to a lot of people not some people but every one. That’s why I think this project would do perfect in a magizine. Taking it back to the start it all starts with the little things but you have to passionate about it, in the text of (Advertising in Design Page 155) “A composition is the form, the whole spatial property and structure resulting from the intentional visualization and arrangement of graphic elements (type and visuals) in relation to one another and to the format.

Creative Content

The way I plan on advertising for Slim Fast would be to do a magazine ad in magazines that a lot of teens would read. Just because we want to market to a new audience but still mantaing or lyal consumers.  We want our advertisement to capture there attention so they will want t0o use the product instead of any other weight loss drink. “Whether it is a magazine or newspaper ad, an outdoor poster or billboard, there is no motion or sound to dazzle.”  ( Advertising by Design Page 210 ) The ad we want to spark a fire in people that makes them want to go and buy a slim fast get a salad and hit the gym so by the time next summer comes they have a hot swimsuit body. If they love the advertisement then they will love the product. Then going into the slogan they will feel as if it’s a lifestyle change and its there diet not a “fad diet”. Then by having the slogan plastered across the ad they will understand the photos.” Together, the line and visual should communicate and express the advertising message.” (Advertising by Design Page 210) That’s how we want to be able to communicate the meaning of the advertisement, which is the number one thing to us. We want the communication of the ad and for our loyal consumers and new consumers can click together, so by showing them what they already need is going to be perfect for this.  Regardless of the format—print for magazines or newspapers, direct mail, posters, billboards—the design of a print ad can make or break the communication.” (Advertising by Design Page 212) Seeing that this ad could get us a lot of loyal consumers is important because that means business not only for our drinks would grow but for a lot of our other products ass well. We want to be able to see that a lot more people will start their own diet then one that is already pre made for them. With this ad we are also able to post it as a bill board so thqat it captures more attention from people. Outdoor ad boards are used to support other media, such as TV, and they can help drive people to the Web. (Advertising by Design Page 216) That’s also why are slogan is short so that its fast to read and the colors of everything will be enhanced for a better quality. That’s why we have choose to go this way with the different marketing ideas. 


My promotion of the product would include either a drawn out sketch of how the photo-shoot would go along with a storyboard of a short commercial. Or a actual photo cover that acts as a billboard. I like that more people would understand how it works if they seen the visual elements. For our promotion we want to use the slice of life approach which states in the book (Advertising by Design page 118) In advertising, slice-of-life format is a drama showing a realistic portrayal of life, featuring everyday situations to which average people can readily relate.”  Since that’s how we like to relate to our consumer base. Showing them the different elements like we previously stated. The slice of life approach shows that anyone can do the Slim Fast diet. You can be 300 pounds or 150 either way you can do it. The element of surprise is something that we would want to do in the commercial by showing the consumers that instead of already know they wont too much know the story behind it. “One reason is the element of surprise; we are being led one way but are surprised to find ourselves taken somewhere else. Certainly, there is a risk with this type of approach: once you've seen the ad, you know the surprise ending”.  (Advertising by Design page 121)  So the consumer will think they know what advertisement is really going on but they would be fooled in a good way.  Even if we used something has a testimonial I think a lot of consumers would believe as a product that does work. We would want to real live people and not well know people because of the following statement  “When people read or hear a celebrity's testimony, that celebrity's cachet will add value, even if that individual does not have related expertise.” (Advertising by Design Page 117)  Also we thought about doing a comparison but for the demographic that we want to reach we rather not. Even though doing comparison would help the business because there are so many more programs like the Slim Fast Diet we don’t want the risk. Unless we compare the old slim fast to the new. “show a visual comparison between the same places at different times, making a point about the organization's conservation mission.”  (Advertising  by Design page 112) would give a good outlook on how we work and what we stand for now an why we want people to support our brand. All of the different promotions would be taken in to consideration but we in the end would do what’s right for us.

The Big Idea

The big idea for my advertisement came because of the fact that I have been on health kick. I feel that with my advertisement a lot of people could learn from what I already know about the product. Also knowing what appeals to the demographics in which they need.Finding a relevant insight into how people think, what they need or desire, and how they act, termed a consumer insight, is paramount for idea generation.” ( Advertising by Design page 68) Seeing that we know the key elements for the Slim Fast drink and how to properly loose weight from it would help our consumers in the long run. “All people have an unconscious mind in which “potent sexual and aggressive drives, and defenses against them, struggle for supremacy.”  (Advertising by Design page 69) Said by Sigmund Freud. When looking at that quote I feel that that’s how are consumers see the product they have the urge to go and do the Slim Fast diet but they are missing the keys. With the advertisement they will see what keys they need to live a healthy life with Slim Fast. We want them to look at the bigger picture that they need to eat healthy and work out to have that summer body they are looking for. The big idea for us is to change the life of the consumer and give them something new that they need in a weight loss drink not just something they drink to curve their hunger. By doing that they wont ever lose the weight. Putting together the creative process would be the part in which we can inspire the consumer. “The strategy is how you are conceiving, creating, and positioning your brand or group and aiming your application (the type of design problem) in the marketplace to achieve differentiation, relevance, and resonance.”(Adverting by Design Page 73) The strategy in how we are positioning the brand is that with two things you can impact your way of life.  We want everyone to see that we are doing something for them and not for us. Since I have been where the consumer has been I know what they look for in the advertising, I know what it takes to buy the product ( Advertising by Desgin page 82) states “In advertising, when you draw upon common experiences—funny, sad, bittersweet—people usually relate to them.” Which is why I chose to make the advertisement so related to them personally. That’s how I got the big idea.

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Competitive analyses

Some of the competition that Slim fast as would be companies like Special K, Slimquick , and diet programs such as Jenny Craig and Nutria System. I think a lot of these brands have you feel almost like you have to change everything you eat in order for it to be a good weight loss.  The way the draw in a lot of the customer base is my the celebrity sponsor, which Slim Fast does not offer.  The things that are important to our customer base is not how fast you can lose the weight but doing a lifestyle change. “Fully understanding the strategy and the competition before conceptual design is critical. It is also helpful to state the strategy in one or two sentences and keep it in front of you while you develop a concept”. ( Advertising by Design  Textbook by Landa R. page 73 chapter 5 ) Which is why I think the Slim Fast advertisement that we have will be so successful because we fully understand the stance in which our competors work and how they go about advertising. Some of the similarities that we all have alike would be wanting people to lose the weight by doing things that come easy. What is setting us apart is that we are not going into the more modern day person or the young person trying to get healthy we have been catering into one type of demographic. Listen carefully to the information the client offers; the client is expert about his or her business. Listen to what he or she says about the problem, audience, and marketplace—and thoughtfully examine the information provided”. (Advertising by Design  Textbook by Landa R. page 16 chapter 2) By doing that we can deliver the product that will best suit the consumer and the company has a whole. That way we are able to reinvent our self’s and become more relevant to a different demographic. The reason are campaign will be better would be for the simple fact that we are doing something to show consumers the proper steps to using our product. Because then they will be more pruned to buy it. “The state of being envied is what constitutes glamour. And publicity is the process of manufacturing glamour.(Advertising by Design  Textbook by Landa R. page 108 chapter 7). With that being said we want the consumer after seeing our advertisement then buying the product to feel glamourous  about themselves , feeling like they have accomplished something out of the normal. With that being said that’s how we are going to dominate the competing brands  because we are going with their lifestyle they are not going with ours.

EOC Week 8: Typegraphy

Slim Fast For Slimmer Life
Slim Fast For Slimmer Life
Slim Fast For Slimmer Life
Slim Fast For Slimmer Life
Slim Fast For Slimmer Life
Slim Fast For Slimmer Life
Slim Fast For Slimmer Life
Slim Fast For Slimmer Life
Slim Fast For Slimmer Life
Slim Fast For Slimmer Life

Slim Fast For A Slimmer Life : Product

I think what makes my slogan so popular is that it goes with the advertisement perfectly. Because is saying that if you do the slim fast diet that you will have a slimmer life. So they’re for saying that you will get fit and slim. I want something that people will find catching. That is not hard for them to connect with.  I think a lot of the people would also be able to relate to the advertisement as well. I think it also ties into the meaning and the story behind it all. “If for any reason the ad concept is not fully communicated, the tagline can clarify or round out the communication”, says Gregg Wasiak, creative director, the Concept Farm, New York. Whih. Which I fully agree with I want the consumer to be about to see clearly see what you need to do in order to lose weight while on the program. I think with this certain slogan the whole ad will come together in a way that it looks like a masterpiece. In the words of Work’s a statement he made about Crestar Bank stating “Once you come up with the idea for the tagline, the entire campaign should embody the same spirit”  In the notes of Eric Silver the executive creative director of BBDO Worldwide says “The key to coming up with a great ad is finding that one clear, concise, engaging idea. This holds true for all advertising mediums: print, radio, TV, outdoor, etc.,” Which is the other something graps their attention. I think when you first fraps the attention of your consumer with the slogan. The slogan that I chose would also grow on them as it is a lifestyle change and not just a diet, which was part of the concept I wanted to show as well. In the text they mentioned “The reader should be able to recognize something relevant to his or her experience. “  So by capturing that is the reason why I chose my slogan.

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

EOC Week 7: Pitch

I am going to promote slim fast weight loss drinks. The ad is going to show three different photos. The first one is going to be a salad with a slim fast drink next to it with the main focus being on the slim fast drink. Then the second photo is going to have a model or myself in the gym working out while drinking a slim fast. Just because in order to have weight loss you have to eat healthy and work out which is what people never seem to understand. Then the last photo is going to be a model or myself laying out by the pool with a slim fast right next to me with the slim fast being the main focus. Then the tag line would be worked hard all summer. Because you are showing the consumer that you drank slim fast and ate healthy and worked out now that it’s the end of summer you can finally lay out in a sexy swimsuit. Which I think a lot of consumers would like because your telling them what they should do while drinking slim fast.

This product is one of my favorite drinks just because I have been on a weight loss craze since march and I have done the whole slim fast drink diet and it has worked for me. With a work out and healthy meal you can complete your goal of your perfect weight for you. Now I have a body I can show in the Cayman islands when I go at the end of September. So I think this ad will show consumers hard work at its finest.

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Week 6 EOC: Vintage Commercials


The ad first ad that I’m going to chose would be the Marfex. How they where selling the grease that you cook with. What they where trying to say was how this grease heats up in no time at all. Then that it is one of the tops of the line products that you can buy.  They also mentioned how it withstands hot heat compared to the leading brand that they work with. He proved his point by demonstrating how it compared. I think the point to what they where getting at was you don’t want something that is going to take a long time to cook up. They also say how the grease never once burns from the pan being so hot so your food won’t have a burnt taste once you cook the product that you are making. That’s why  chose this particular advertisement. 

 [ ] 
My next advertisement would be for the jolly green giant commercials about how there corn beats everyone else. Because the compact it with less water so you have the fresh of the cob taste when you heat it up. They also mention how fresh that their product is because it’s coming from the Green Giants hands. So they want to give you the feeling of it being freshly picked. I think the fact that some of it animated has it appeal to children too because kids like seeing cartoons and things or people that are not real with catchy songs attached to them. So with this advertisement I would say that they are trying to also capture the little kids who are just at home watching t.v. Because out of all veggies I know my favorite has a child growing up was corn from the Green Giant. So that’s how I feel like they are marketing their product by having it appealing to all age groups not just one.

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

EOC Week 5: SuperBowl Advertisment

My favorite super bowl advertisement would be the Super Bowl Doritos Crash advertisement with the baby. I just think it was so funny because I feel like that’s something that would happen in my family so it brought about a lot of fun memories. The advertisement had two boys who where brothers and their grandma outside. While the little boy was making fun of the baby for not having any Doritos, the grandma looked at the baby and next thing you know the baby is flying through the air grabbing the bag out of his older brothers hands. I just think it’s so funny because he is like what the hell just happened. Then all anyone can do is just laugh and what makes it better is that the baby is so adorable and looks like the sweetest baby you can ever meet.

I think that a lot of people liked this advertisement because it bring back those memories of making fun of your little brothers, sisters, or even cousins for not having something that you had. So its something that everyone can relate that just has you crack a smile. That’s one of the reasons why I always enjoy it. 

I think that this shows also how much the American people love Doritos no matter what flavor people jus the chips over all.  I think showing that would make people want to go out and have fun with their grandkids and children. Just because of the fact that it brings people closer in a sense of lets all go and hang out. So they captured the true meaning of the super bowl, which is to have family time and eating chips and cracking jokes and everything with family members. So I would have to give this ad an “a”.

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

EOC Week 4: Role of Women in Contemporary Advertising

Photo property of

I don’t think that the role women play in advertising has changed. Because they are still having a certain image. In some advertisements they are used has sex symbols to where in some they are brought up has the modern day housewife. I don’t see a lot of ads where you can find a strong woman. I think there are a lot of advertisements that do manipulate the role of women in modern day society. Because that’s what has been going on for a long time now.
If you look in my advertisement for rampage, they are using sex to sell clothing, which is not always fair. I don’t think that many women give their self enough credit not to just be looked at as a sex symbol. There are a lot of women now a day that still do depend on a man to take care of them which, in the end reflects to how we are looked at in advertisements. If women would see their self worth then we would not be fooled into thinking that we have to be this sex crazed or worthless person that they call a human. I feel as if we would take the responsibility to show everyone what we really stand for that we would get treated and not how we did in the old days. Because we don’t want to be looked at in the way as if we are only good for sex and having a man’s baby and being a homemaker. 

 Photo property of 

I think ads such as doves are used in a good way because they are empowering women’s self worth and showing that all women are beautiful. Advertisements today always have such a simple-minded view and outlook on how society think’s we should be. Instead of focusing on the real women instead they focus too much on the man’s view of how a women should look, dress, act and etc. When really not every women is like that.  If more ads where like doves I feel as if they would finally see the average women for who she really is.

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

EOC Week 3: Thank You For Smoking

Description: Macintosh HD:Users:student:Desktop:Tipher.jpg

  • 1. Determine the scenario: What happens in this frame?
The scenario includes a handsome man who just gave his date a Tipalet cigar. Is watching her smoke while he stays in the background watching her. He is somewhat captivated by her smoking because of the look on his face.

  • 2. What is the setting? What are the conditions?
The setting is in a open place because you can’t really see where they are but from how they are dressed you can get a clue. Or if you use you imitation then you can think of a place where they are indoors.

  • 3. Who are the people or groups?
There are only two people in the photo who look as if they are a couple who have just gotten together or they have been dating for a short period of time.

  • 4. What is their point of view around this specific experience?
That your going to enjoy looking at a pretty girl smokes their cigars. Because she is going to look pretty while doing it so you just want to sit back and watch. Also its showing girls that “ Oh if your pretty guys are going to want to  look at you smoke” because they would see it as a turn on instead of a turn off.

  • 5. What are their goals?
They want more women to smoke because cigars are the manly thing. By having a women smoking it showing that you can still hot while smoking plus people are going to watch you.

  • 6. What are their assumptions? What are their perceptions?
If more women see this is ad they will tend to smoke their product more.
  • 7. Are there conflicts? Is there cooperation? 
There are not labels with this ad besides it looks like you should be smoking when shocking, some guys don't want girls who are smoking.
  • 8. What are the outcomes? That smoking can lead to bad breath , and make you look ugly. Then if you are after a guy who is encouraging you to smoke then you don't need to be with him.

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

EOC Week 2 : Three Examples of Questionable Ethics

Description: Macintosh HD:Users:student:Desktop:0UiWk4jXblt9fh52IQ079JGGo1_400.jpgQuestionable ads you say well from the looks of things they seem to start at using young children as sex symbols. If you look at the love cosmetic ad . They tend to use the young child as a sex symbol. Making it has if you need to buy this and you can be sexy even if you are below the age of eighteen. In the ad they go on to say “ Because innocence is sexier then you think.” With that being said why would they take a young girl doll her up to sell products? What was the real motive they where trying to get across to their demographics. Rights to photo

Description: Macintosh HD:Users:student:Desktop:sisley-fashion-junkie-2.jpegThe next advertisement I want to talk about would be an Sisley fashion ad. They are already known for testing the limits in what they do to market their brand. Because as a lot of fashion junkies know, they want you to be addicted to their clothing. In the ad that I found contains two models who have been overly drinking. They show that the girls are in a sense abusing it. A lot of different ethics are often challenged when looking at this ad. Some young girls might think that its okay for them to go out and get super wasted when in reality its not fun or cute. They also seem to use their clothing as the drink or drug in their ads to then get their point across.  Rights to photo

Description: Macintosh HD:Users:student:Desktop:imgres.jpegIn my last advertisement I would have to use the very talk about Carl’s Jr ad with Paris Hilton. Where they tend to say size does not matter. Coming from where she does with a sex tape and others its makes it feel as if they are trying to use sex to sell burgers. That being said a lot of people had taken their catch phases to seriously when we saw them. Leading people to think very  dirty thoughts when looking at the ad. Photo is

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

EOC : Week One VW Lemon

What set the VW Lemon ad set the trend for many different advertisements of it’s time. They changed the face of what advertisement was really like. They thought outside the box. Since most ads had no information ,or too much information.  Volkswagon decide to go outside the box and put just the right amount a little. Like they say a little does go a long way. It also matched the car’s small size. “If this was Volkswagen's idea of a lemon, the Beetle must be a well-built car.”  So by them saying lemon what where they saying that the beetle was the best small car out or where they saying that it was a fresh new car? ( With that being said they went into how the beetle was a safe car. Also how it would last you longer then any other car when though it did have the one flaw on glove box the following statement was said “This preoccupation with detail means the VW lasts longer and requires less maintenance, by and large, than other cars.” On the website ( ). At the end of the advertisment they said “ We pluck the lemons you get the plums. With everything that is being said about the advertisement, I feel as if they got their point across with very little design but more information. The end result being that they want people to but their car even though it had the one belmish. That's why they had the ad being named lemon. "Beetle ads, though, connected with consumers on an emotional level, yet also conveyed a product benefit in a way consumers could relate to. Plus, the ads were breathtakingly simple." Now that they have connected with their consumers on a more personal level.

EOC : My Vocie

Fashion is not just a hobby to me its something that was born into me. When I little unlike most girls I was not just playing with my Barbie dolls I was looking at their outfits to see what I could change and what would go best with what. That’s when I figured out that I wanted to study fashion in the future. As I went through life my passion for fashion grew right along with me. When I began my third year in high school I started the fashion program learning the history of fashion, fundamentals and also how to create different pieces of clothing. I then was able to get bumped up in classes. By the end of my senior year I created outfits for two fashion shows that my school had put on, then working backstage at one of them. Now that I have done small amounts of working with the fashion world and doing some styling for friends who model. Now that im a little older and wiser I want to create a line known as “Forever Fashion” since fashion is forever in bedded into our lives. Then as my line grows I want to be able to open “Forever Fashion” clothing stores with one of a kind dresses. Some of my high school fashion teacher, ‘If fashion does not change then the world does not change”.