Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Week 6 EOC: Vintage Commercials


The ad first ad that I’m going to chose would be the Marfex. How they where selling the grease that you cook with. What they where trying to say was how this grease heats up in no time at all. Then that it is one of the tops of the line products that you can buy.  They also mentioned how it withstands hot heat compared to the leading brand that they work with. He proved his point by demonstrating how it compared. I think the point to what they where getting at was you don’t want something that is going to take a long time to cook up. They also say how the grease never once burns from the pan being so hot so your food won’t have a burnt taste once you cook the product that you are making. That’s why  chose this particular advertisement. 

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My next advertisement would be for the jolly green giant commercials about how there corn beats everyone else. Because the compact it with less water so you have the fresh of the cob taste when you heat it up. They also mention how fresh that their product is because it’s coming from the Green Giants hands. So they want to give you the feeling of it being freshly picked. I think the fact that some of it animated has it appeal to children too because kids like seeing cartoons and things or people that are not real with catchy songs attached to them. So with this advertisement I would say that they are trying to also capture the little kids who are just at home watching t.v. Because out of all veggies I know my favorite has a child growing up was corn from the Green Giant. So that’s how I feel like they are marketing their product by having it appealing to all age groups not just one.

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